God's Ways - Ps. Leonardo A.Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 1:05:28 7 years ago 3 997 Далее Скачать
GOD'S WAYS - Ps. Leonardo A.Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 1:09:24 Streamed 7 years ago 348 Далее Скачать
GOD'S WAYS - Ps. Leonardo A.Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 8:13 Streamed 7 years ago 126 Далее Скачать
GOD'S MASTERPIECE | Sermon by Ps. Leonardo A. Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 1:03:06 1 year ago 751 Далее Скачать
HONOR YOUR GOD | Sermon by Ps. Leonardo A. Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 58:11 1 year ago 1 207 Далее Скачать
Experiencing God - Ps. Leonardo A.Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 54:57 7 years ago 3 888 Далее Скачать
ONLINE SERVICE (Re-run) | Christmas Celebration - Ps. Leonardo A. Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 2:41:57 1 day ago 487 Далее Скачать
REMEMBER YOUR GOD | Sermon by Ps. Leonardo A. Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 1:03:29 1 year ago 2 253 Далее Скачать
Significant In Ministry - Ps. Leonardo A. Sjiamsuri GKS BALIKPAPAN 43:19 7 years ago 523 Далее Скачать
God's Chaser - Ps. Leonardo A.Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 50:36 7 years ago 2 092 Далее Скачать
Menjadi Dewasa dan Berhasil - Ps. Leonardo A. Sjiamsuri GKS BALIKPAPAN 54:19 1 year ago 1 534 Далее Скачать
DIPIMPIN ROH ALLAH DALAM KESEHARIAN - Renungan Singkat oleh Ps. Leonardo A.Sjiamsuri Today's Message 5:38 7 years ago 4 138 Далее Скачать
FAILURE IS NOT FINAL - Sermon by Ps. Leonardo A. Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 40:38 6 years ago 580 Далее Скачать
FAITH & BEYOND - Ps. Leonardo A.Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 49:50 6 years ago 1 868 Далее Скачать
Ps. Leonardo A Sjiamsuri - Excellent in Marketplace GKS BALIKPAPAN 1:02:15 5 years ago 266 Далее Скачать
OVERCOMING DOUBT | Sermon by Ps. Leonardo A. Sjiamsuri GKS Light to the Nations 1:04:27 3 months ago 1 076 Далее Скачать
God's Message - Ps. Leonardo A.Sjiamsuri - Menjadi Saksi dan Jadilah Teladan Church Streaming Video 58:02 5 years ago 46 Далее Скачать